Christmas is around the corner, and I can't help but sing Christmas Carols all day long nowadays. If you're like me and love Christmas Carols or if you want to surprise you family and friends on Christmas or at a Christmas Party, you could try and twang a Christmas Carol on shamisen!
Although these songs are not originally "made for shamisen", there's a handful of songs that are fun to play on the shamisen. I transcribed a couple of my favorites over the past years and I am sure you're gonna like at least one of them 🙂
I ordered the songs according to difficulty level, from easy to harder. The "harder" ones can be learned by beginners, too - you just need to spend a little more time on them and be patient with yourself.
A general note on Playing: You can always switch out techniques (left and right hand) with normal bachi downstrokes. The techniques are there to reduce the number of bachi movements. But if they make you feel stuck and you prefer just hitting the string with your bachi, please go ahead and change as much as you want 🙂 In the end, the way that's easiest to you is the right way!
Advent, Advent
- Level: Beginner
- Tuning: Niagari (C-G-C)
- Techniques: none
- Special Features: few different positions
- Video tutorial
- Music scores
- Music scores with mp3 (90 & 110 bpm)
Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen
- Level: Beginner
- Tuning: Niagari (C-G-C)
- Techniques: uchi (ウ hammer on), hajiki (ハ pluck with sao hand)
- Special Features: few different positions
- Music scores with mp3 (90 & 110 bpm)

O Du Fröhliche
- Level: Beginner
- Tuning: Niagari (C-G-C)
- Techniques: none
- Special Features: few different positions

Stille Nacht
- Level: Beginner
- Tuning: Niagari (C-G-C)
- Techniques: none
- Special Features: many string switches
Jingle Bells
- Level: Beginner
- Tuning: Niagari (C-G-C)
- Techniques: sukui (ス upstroke)
- Special Features: few different positions
Am Weihnachtsbaume die Lichter brennen
- Level: Beginner to Advanced Beginner
- Tuning: Niagari (C-G-C)
- Techniques: none
- Special Features: lots of shifts
- Music scores with mp3 (90 bpm)

Morgen, Kinder, wird’s was geben
- Level: Beginner to Advanced Beginner
- Tuning: Niagari (C-G-C)
- Techniques: sukui (ス upstroke)
- Special Features: quick sukui
- Music scores with mp3 (90 bpm)

Kling, Glöckchen, Klingelingeling
- Level: Beginner to Advanced Beginner
- Tuning: Niagari (C-G-C)
- Techniques: sukui (ス upstroke)
- Special Features: up to position 12
- Music scores with mp3 (90 & 110 bpm)

Lasst Uns Froh und Munter Sein
- Level: Beginner to Advanced Beginner
- Tuning: Niagari (C-G-C)
- Techniques: none
- Special Features: quick shifts
- Video tutorial
- Music scores
- Music scores with mp3 (90 & 110 bpm)
Fröhliche Weihnacht überall!
- Level: fortgeschrittene Anfänger bis Mittelstufe
- Tuning: Honchōshi (C-F-C)
- Techniques: sukui (ス upstroke), hajiki (ハ pluck with sao hand)
- Special Features: technique combos
- Music scores with mp3 (90 & 110 bpm)

Joy to the World / Freue Dich Welt
- Level: Intermediate
- Tuning: Niagari (C-G-C)
- Techniques: sukui (ス upstroke)
- Special Features: unusual positions
Tochter Zion, Freue Dich
- Level: Intermediate
- Tuning: Niagari (C-G-C)
- Techniques: sukui (ス upstroke), hajiki (ハ pluck with sao hand), uchi (ウ hammer-on)
- Besonderheiten: flüssiges Tempo (wenige Ruhepausen)
- Video tutorial
- Music scores
- Music scores with mp3 (90 & 110 bpm)

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